Saturday, 27 October 2012

Butterscotch Sheer Kurma

Always wondered how to get a pinkish tinge to your Sheer Kurma without adding artificial colour or saffron or evaporating the milk? I discovered a unique way to add some colour to the dish and also to add a 'butterscotchish' taste to this Eid favourite. 

Lightly fry soaked & sliced almonds with a little crushed vermicelli in a spoonful of ghee.

Bring milk to a need to evaporate.
Melt another tablespoon of ghee in another pan and add sugar and cook on low heat, stirring continuously so that the sugar caramelizes into a warm honey-like consistency.
It should look like this! Now for the Moment of Truth:

Pour a little boiling milk VERY CAREFULLY in the caramel mixture. This mixture will bubble furiously for sometime and them calm down, but when it 'calms' down, the ghee-sugar will become a tangled web of toffee which will stick to your spoon and the pan. Don't panic: Cook on low heat for sometime and the toffee will melt slowly giving it a chocolatey brown color. Pour the remaining milk and keep cooking on low heat.

Add the fried almonds & sevai.
Add soaked & finely sliced pistachios.
Add a little crushed cardamom
Cook for a few more minutes.

Frankly speaking, cooking Sheer Kurma was a bit more faster than taking pictures at every level and creating this post!

Eid Mubarak!